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My name is Kimberly

I am a simple woman and consider myself nothing special. And by that, I mean I am no more or less unique than anyone out there. The only thing that may or may not separate me is that I have a desire to grow and change. I have a hunger to see things from a different perspective.

So I have decided to approach my journey in a different way.

I have no idea where it’s going to lead me, how many bumps and detours I may encounter along the way. However, what I do know is that for the first time, the journey is mine and mine alone.

While I may not always stand out, I am constantly reminded that I have the ability to achieve remarkable and incredible things. Recognizing the extraordinary within the ordinary is a true testament of inner strength. And that in and of itself is special.

“Embrace Your Potential: Extraordinary Lies Within the Ordinary”

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you” — Maya Angelou
